This Corporate Challenge webpage was developed to assist the Organization's Coordinator.
The Coordinator plays an important role in organizing their organizations' team members and scheduling team events.
As a Coordinator you will find the below documents useful in establishing a successful 2025 Chino Corporate Challenge event.
Guidelines- See the guidelines to verify all Corporate Challenge Rules.
Waivers can be submitted online through Activenet only - All Organization participants must be at least 18 years of age by the first event. All team players must create an ActiveNet account and register as part of their company's team in order to agree to the Waiver before participating in any Corporate Challenge events. Waivers must be submitted through ActiveNet no later than 5:00pm on Monday, April 14, 2025.
Calendar coming soon- Calendar of events with times and events.
Sportsmanship- Each year a sportsmanship award is given to the team who excels in participation, sportsmanship, and abiding by corporate challenge guidelines. See the sportsmanship award guidlines. The winning team will be announced at Closing Ceremonies and awarded with a trophy.
Sponsor Form- Interested in being a Corporate Challenge Sponsor?
Team entry form- Interested in entering a team into Corporate Challenge?
Activity form - Will your team participate in all events or just a few? Please fill out this form to designate what events your company will participate in.
Events location coming soon- If your team is going be be late or forfeit your first game, please call the Carolyn Owens Community Center at 909.334.3258 where Corporate Challenge Staff will be contacted. The events, times, and locations paperwork can be used to obtain address, and phone numbers of events.
Challenge Rule Book- Rules and guidelines to ensure a succesful Corporate Challenge. Company flyer - This is a resource that you can use to advertise your organizations participation in the event. Please feel free to use this resource to advertise and help build interest in your team's participation.
Participant form- This is a form that can be used to help accept interest from your employees. This is not required, but can be used as a resource. Some companies choose alternative options like a sign-up sheet in the breakroom, email blasts, etc.Rosters - Please use ActiveNet to view your team roster. When submitting activity rosters, please use the following: